
Why IV Hydration Therapy in Cathedral City CA is Recommendable to Treat Dehydration

  Introduction Intravenous therapy is a common treatment procedure with approximately 90% of the hospitalized people getting IV as an important part of their care. Besides, many individuals search for IV Hydration Therapy in Cathedral City CA to undergo intravenous treatment to cure dehydration.  Dehydration  About 60 percent of the body of a human consists of water. We regularly lose water while breathing, urinating, sweating, or exerting us physically. There are multiple factors, which lead to loss of water and increase the risk related to dehydration. These include spending time outdoors, drinking alcohol, participating in sports activities to lose water and many more. In some cases, dehydration occurs from certain health conditions. Regardless of the reason, a person needs immediate hydration to prevent the situation getting worse. Hence, patients either go with oral rehydration or IV Therapy in Cathedral City CA .  REPLENISH 360, A DIVISION OF PDRE LLC Phone: (760) 422-3114 Email